The promised Pennsylvania Department of State searchable database for those companies operating in Pennsyvlania that need to file a decennial report is operational.
You can search by Department of State entity number (not the same as the Department of Revenue Box Number) or Name.
The decennial report must be filed every 10 years (as the name implies). 2011 is the year for the reports this time around.
All domestic and foreign profit and nonprofit corporations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships that are not also limited partnerships, business trusts, insignias and "marks used with articles and supplies" that have not made a new or amended filing with the Corporation Bureau from January 1, 2002 through December 31, 2011 shall during the year 2011, file in the Department of State a report that they continue to exist. 54 Pa.C.S. § 503(b)(1), § 1314(b), § 1515(b). Fictitious names and trademarks are not required to make decennial filings.
There are some exceptions -- see the FAQ's on Decennial Filing available at
You may want to check your corporation, LLC etc. as you complete the tax returns this year. (nonprofits must file too if they haven't been sending in their officer reports each year). You must file by 12/31/2011 if you need to file.